Friday, March 14, 2014

In the Beginning...

           Welcome to my blog! I hope you will find my writing informative, provocative, and something that will piss of conservatives, liberals, and every partisan in between.

           My philosophy on writing, critical thinking, and analysis can be described by the following excerpt by James Dickey in the March 17, 2014 edition of Time Magazine: "'Two-thirds of the op-ed columnists at America’s major newspapers are worthless,' Silver says. He hates punditry, he hates narratives, he hates bold proclamations."

           The Silver being referred to in this excerpt is respected statistician, Nate Silver. Nate Silver is known for his 100% correct prediction of the 2012 presidential elections. Nate Silver is a man who believes that opinion-oriented journalism belongs in the toilet. It’s not because he is against analysis, but it is because most bloggers, op-ed columnists, and pundits do not use fact-based arguments to put forth their view. They make “bold proclamations” without looking at data or the facts. They make absurd predictions that Rand Paul is the front-runner for the Republicans in the 2016 presidential elections. They make absurd proclamations that Republicans are bigots, Democrats are hateful, Millennials are lazy and they should get a job and move out of their parents’ house, people in poverty need to stop being poor, religion is nothing but brainwashing. I have seen all of these grand statements made in all forms of media. They have been made with either flawed, scant, or no data or facts at all. That needs to stop. Besides, I do not believe you can box up a category of people and make generalizations about them, especially without data or facts. This blog, which will be opinionated at times (my apologies to Mr. Silver), will try to buck the trend by analyzing politics and current events using data, facts, logic, and critical-thinking. I hope you are ready for some posts that will be controversial and provocative. It should be one hell of a ride.

           I also want to engage in some conversation, hopefully, some good, quality conversation. I will encourage my readers to debate my posts. If you have some sound data, facts, or information that you think I am missing or ignoring, I challenge each of you to submit your arguments. If you make a good argument, I will respond to your arguments in a post. I want to be engaged, but I also don’t want any of my readers to believe that I am the end –all authority when it comes to my analysis. The world is not black and white, and neither is my analysis. I want to grow, I want to hear other arguments, and I want to look at the other side because there are many valid arguments that could be made on an infinite number of topics. I want to grow with all of you, so please, do not be afraid to stand up and debate my position. Let's start our conversation and push the destructive, petty, partisan politics where it belongs: in the trash.

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